Rants, Ramblings and Ruminations

Pedestrian Road Rage

Hello bunnies,
Longest time.

I have a short rant to give today.
It’s about drivers on the streets of Lagos and their seemingly complete disregard for the lives and safety of pedestrians.

I don’t have a single instance as the straw that broke my camel’s back to specifically rave about but it’s the general negligent behaviour that I can no longer stomach.

Lagos drivers seem not to realize that they owe a duty of care to we poor fellows that don’t wield a murder weapon at our leisure.

Yes, you read right.
Murder weapon.

We don’t get an air bag to cushion us when due to your inattention and general sloppiness you turn us into so much raw meat.

Lagos drivers complain about each other so much but fail to realize that when two elephants fight, the grass suffers.

Even though I walk facing traffic I’m still filled with anxiety everyday that one (kin ma pe won l’oloriburuku) will swerve into the barely existent sidewalk and hit me.

Honestly, it’s contributory negligence on the part of the government, with their poor planning, and even the pedestrians themselves, with their earphones in. However the fact remains that the ones with all that physical power at their disposal are the drivers.

So please, don’t text and drive.
Don’t drink and drive.
Don’t even gist and drive.
Let’s all get to where we’re going in one piece.

Peace and Last Men.
